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Literacy centers should be fun and hands-on activities that help students develop literacy concepts and skills such as letter knowledge, beginning sounds, word formation, word segmentation, vocabulary, directionality, punctuation, and more. 

These are 27 thematic literacy units containing ten different activities your students will love. As a teacher, you will introduce the activities at the beggining of the school year. Once students familiarize themselves with the games and activities, they will do all games themselves. 

The consistency of the games and activities included in the thematic units is excellent to develop young children's independence as they will know exactly how to play the games. Young children's excitement will rise with every unit when the new themes are introduced to them. Still, they will work independently because the activities stay the same, allowing teachers to spend less time explaining the centers and more time working in small groups. 

"Click" on each picture if you would like to learn more about the activities and games included. 


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